Terms & Conditions


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and all documents referenced herein, (“the Club”) shall be defined as including Lothian Ski Racing (“LSR”) and Lothian Freestyle Academy “LFA”).

By making payment of your Annual Membership Fee (as defined below), you agree to the Terms and Conditions set out below, together with the provisions of the following policies which are available on the LSR website (https://www.lothianskiracing.com/), each as amended from time to time:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Child Welfare and Protection Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Race Support Policy

 (together, the “Policies”). 

Any variation from these Terms and Conditions remain at the sole discretion of the Club Committee and must be agreed in advance and in writing.

The Club’s main training takes place at the Midlothian Snowsports Centre (the “Centre”), and all trainees, parents are carers are required to comply with all requirements of the Centre at all times. On occasion, trainees will train or race at other venues. In these circumstances, all trainees and parents/carers are required to comply with all requirements of those venues at all times.


All new trainees must provide all requested contact and medical details into the Club’s Class4Kids membership system. It is the responsibility of the trainee or their parent/carer to ensure that all contact and medical details are up to date.

If the trainee is:

  • receiving medical treatment;
  • taking regular medication; or
  • liable to require assistance or special treatment for any reason, medical or otherwise;

please provide full written details to membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk. You may be asked to provide a medical certificate of fitness to train completed by a doctor or health professional before the trainee can commence or continue training.

Video and Photography Consent

By making payment of the Annual Membership Fee (as defined below), you consent to the trainee being photographed and videoed for coaching and performance purposes. Occasionally photographs and videos of trainees may be used on the Club’s websites and in publicity material (including social media) for promotional purposes. You also consent to such photographs and videos of the trainee being used for these promotional purposes. If you wish to withhold such consent or have any queries on this, please notify us in writing on membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk. The Club is not responsible for any video or photographs taken by trainees, their parents, carers or other members of the public.

Child Wellbeing Policy

The Club has a Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy which includes Codes of Conduct for Trainees and for Spectators. This sets out the Club’s requirements and expectations of its trainee members and any parents, carers and/or spectators. 

The Club expects that as a parent/carer you will:

  • Ensure that both you and your child understand and follow the relevant Codes of Conduct;
  • Support your child, the Club and its volunteers and the coaches in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable environment for all;
  • Make an informed decision on whether your child is fit to train on any given training session, taking into account relevant factors such as illness and injury, and follow all relevant health and safety guidance in place from time to time;
  • Make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for training, according to the weather conditions and time of year, and has the correct equipment (skis, boots, poles with stoppers and helmet) in good working condition, or if not that such equipment is borrowed at Midlothian Snowsports Centre. Also equip your child with any other protective gear as advised by their coach;
  • Ensure that you sign in if and as required at each training session and then proceed to commence training on the hill in a timely manner;
  • Remain on the Centre premises at all times during any training sessions or races if your trainee is in the U12 age category or younger. Where training or races are taking place at another venue, a parent/carer must remain at that venue at all times during the training or racing.
  • Collect your child promptly at the end of each training session. In all cases children must be collected by 9pm as Midlothian Snowsports Centre closes at this time. Contingency arrangements must be made if there is a possibility that you may not be able to collect your child before the Centre closes;
  • Pass on any concerns you or your child may have - or information you have received - relating to the welfare of any trainee, including any allegations of bullying, to the head coach or a member of the Club’s Committee;
  • Understand that the Club is run by parents and volunteers and be prepared to help;
  • Respect timescales set for payments, receipt of paperwork, medical forms, etc; and
  • Not make any negative comment about the Club or any of its members, coaches or volunteers on any form of social (or other) media.

The Club also expects you to understand and accept that:

  • like all sports, ski racing is an activity, which involves some risk. You are aware that the Club accepts no responsibility for injury or accidents which may occur during training;
  • personal belongings and equipment are each trainees own responsibility and are brought to training at the trainees own risk; and
  • breaches of the Codes of Conduct will be a disciplinary matter and will be dealt with in accordance with the Club’s Disciplinary Procedure.

Entry Requirements

Entry to LSR is subject to the prospective trainee passing an assessment at a formal LSR assessment day to the satisfaction of the Head Coach acting in their sole discretion, and to the availability of training slots. 

Entry to LFA is subject to the prospective trainee evidencing their ability to control their speed and perform parallel turns from the top of the Hillend face slope to the satisfaction of the relevant LFA coach acting in their sole discretion, and to the availability of training slots.

The Club reserves the right to immediately cease training any prospective or actual trainee whom, in the sole discretion of the relevant Club coach, does not meet the requisite skiing standard for LSR or LFA. In these circumstances, the prospective or actual trainee will be required to leave the slope immediately and no refunds will be provided. 

The minimum age for an LSR trainee is 6 years old. The minimum age for an LFA trainee is 8 years old, though 7 year olds may, at the sole discretion of the Club, be considered for LFA traineeship on a case by case basis.

Compulsory Equipment

All Club trainees are required to wear a helmet and long sleeved tops and trousers at all times on the slope. Additionally, LFA trainees are required to wear a back protector at all times on the slope.

Fees and Liability to Pay

Fees comprise:

  • an annual membership fee (the “Annual Membership Fee”); and
  • a termly training subscription (the “Subs”).

Full members are required to pay both the Annual Membership Fee and Subs. Associate Members are required to pay the Annual Membership Fee.

Membership of LSR is subject to separate offers and acceptances of training places in each of LSR and LFA as appropriate. It is not the case that membership of LSR automatically entitles a trainee with the ability to train with LFA or vice versa.

The Annual Membership Fee and Subs are set by the Club Treasurer and agreed by the Club Committee. These are set at a “break even” level to cover the Club’s projected costs and are reviewed on a regular basis. By accepting a place to train with the Club, you undertake to make full payment of the Annual Membership Fee and the full termly Subs, subject to the notice requirements set out below. 

The Annual Membership Fee covers membership for a full calendar year and commences at 8am on the third Monday of August in each year. The Annual Membership Fee is due for payment within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. The Annual Membership Fee is non-refundable.

For the purposes of the Subs, there are two terms in each calendar year, being:

  • Autumn Term, running from 3rd week of August until 31 December (“Term 1 Subs”); and
  • Winter/Spring Term, running from 1 January until 30 June (“Term 2 Subs”)

Subs are payable via a monthly subscription through Class4Kids. Subs are divided into monthly payments to spread the cost, and payments are due on the 1st of each month. Full details of the monthly payments will be included in the relevant invoice. Unpaid subs may be backdated at the discretion of the Club. The full amount of Subs for the relevant term are due unless the Club receive written notification to membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk that the trainee will not be returning to training by the following deadlines:

  • Autumn Term: on or before 30th June in the relevant year; and
  • Winter/Spring Term: on or before 30 November in the relevant year.

Trainees who are taking Higher examinations or their equivalent under an alternative examination system, may choose to pause the training and associated training Subs payments from the 1st April onwards, provided that the Club receives written notification to membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk by 15 February in the relevant year that the trainee wishes to pause their membership. In these circumstances, pro-rated Subs will not be payable for the remainder of the term and the trainee will not be entitled to attend training sessions during that period. 

Trainees who are members of the Club during the Winter/Spring Term will be automatically enrolled in the Autumn Term immediately following, and therefore liable to pay the Annual Membership Fee and Autumn Subs, unless notice that the trainee will not be returning is received by membership@lothianskiracing.co.uk on or before 30th June in the relevant year.

In the circumstances where the Annual Membership Fee and/or Subs are not received by the due date, the Club reserves the right to withdraw the trainee’s place with the Club and offer it to another prospective trainee.

The Annual Membership Fee includes the costs of administration, coach race support at all races in the Central Belt of Scotland and at the Sunderland dry ski slope, together with race support at other ski races in England at the discretion of the Club (please see the separate Race Support Policy). The Club reserves the right to charge an additional fee for race support if required. There may be circumstances where the Club is unable to provide race support.

The Subs cover the cost of training sessions at the Centre as notified from time to time.

The Club may choose to offer additional opportunities to its trainees, including but not necessarily limited to summer camps and additional training sessions. These incur an additional cost that will be notified from time to time. Participation in these additional opportunities is voluntary. The Club is not required to provide these opportunities.

All trainee memberships, Subs and Annual Membership Fees are non-transferable.

Race Competitions

LSR is a race club and all trainees are strongly encouraged to participate in some form of racing throughout the year. All Full LSR Members and Associate Members are required to register LSR as their home club for both dry slope and indoor races. Any exceptions to registration of alternative clubs require written approval from the LSR Committee.

Associate Members

Unless otherwise approved by the Club Committee and the coaching team, acting in their sole discretion, an application for Associate Membership will only be considered if the prospective Associate Member is at least 14 years of age and:

  • resides and/or attends school outside a radius of 40 miles from Midlothian Snowsports Centre; or 
  • is a previous LSR or LFA member.  

The granting of an application for Associate Membership is at the sole discretion of the Club Committee and coaching team. The prospective Associate Member is required to pay the full Annual Associate Membership Fee once accepted. 

Associate Members are subject to these Terms and Conditions and all documents referred to herein. Associate Members are entitled to the benefits of full Club members with the following exceptions:

  • Associate Members do not have access to any Club training, whether regular training nights or additional training opportunities that the Club may offer to its trainees from time to time, other than as agreed with the Club.
  • Full Club members have priority on any booking opportunities offered by the Club before Associate Members.
  • Associate Members do not have access to the Club’s annual “LSR Christmas Dual Slalom” and the “LSR Club Championships” race, other than at the discretion of the Club and Committee and in the circumstances where the Associate Member has paid for at least one term of Subs within the same training year and has completed the necessary training for that term to the satisfaction of the Club. In these circumstances an Associate Member is not permitted to accept a podium place.

Associate Members are entitled to access to race support for a fixed fee of £20 per trainee, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Any Associate Member taking race support is required to nominate LSR as their home club for the purposes of that race and to participate as an LSR member in any team event.

Prospective Associate Members are not required to complete a Club assessment day, but must provide the Club with proof of skiing ability and a record of ski racing history. Associate Membership will only be offered if both the Club and the Head Coach, each in their sole discretion, agree that Associate Membership is appropriate in the circumstances.

Applications for Associate Membership should be made to: headcoach@lothianskiracing.co.uk 

Should any trainee decide to stop training with us during the course of a training year, their membership will be stepped down to Associate Membership until the end of the Winter/Spring Term in the relevant training year. Subs will remain due in accordance with the terms set out above.


In the unfortunate event of illness or an injury during the season preventing the trainee from attending training sessions, Subs refunds are at the sole discretion of the Club. Refunds will only be made in circumstances where the place can be reallocated to another paying member of the Club’s waiting list. Refunds will never be made in the event of a no-show at training sessions. The Annual Membership Fee is non-refundable in all cases. 

There may be circumstances where a training session is cancelled by the Centre. If this results in the Club receiving a refund from the Centre, the relevant proportion of the refund will be held for you in the form of a credit note. The refunded amount may then be applied against any future payments you make to the Club.

Subs are non-refundable in all other cases.

Training Nights

Your invitation to train will have included details of the day and time of training. The Club may amend the day and time of training from time to time at its sole discretion. 


Skiing and all freestyle sports come with an aspect of risk that cannot be avoided. These activities are inherently dangerous. The Club accepts no responsibility for injury arising directly or indirectly from participation in Club activities.

Furthermore, the Club accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage or theft of any personal items, possessions and/or equipment of Club trainee, whether at the Midlothian Snowsports Centre or other Club camp, race or other event in the United Kingdom or abroad. These items remain at the trainee’s own risk.


Please note that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to keep up to date on what is happening. Please regularly check the Club websites for updates and like and follow our Facebook pages and LSR Ski Sale.